Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. A raw, desert environment, and one of my favourites places on Earth. Fuerte helped me creating my own personal conception about surfing.
Man, Territory, Infrastructure
Calima, and set
Same spot of the shoot before, different perspective. That is what i am talking about when i say "pointbreak".
An eavily localised surf-spot.
A close-up
Surf in the Mediterranean always represents a Search in between Space - Geography - and Time - History -, and Velocity -for digital forecasts, or life and death of a swell.
Mates valutating surfability of a newly discovered spot.
Me in the water, watching a set. Shoot by Luca Mennella
Me floating. Pic by Mennella Luca.
A spanish enclave in a french-speaking nation. Soul surfing, soul travels. morocco
Sunset on one of my favourite waves worldwide.
Prima o poi, brothers.
Big south-east swells in Central Adriatic activates deep-water reefs, generating high quality waves. that one, is in front of the most famous Trabocco of Abruzzo.
Valuting surfability and dimension of a newly-discovered spot is a luck that rarely happens to surfers. I am proud to know Antonio Mercorio and Marco Odoardi.
Same wave of the pic before, me surfing one of the last waves of the day. What a wave, what a day.Pic Marco Lomma
Uncrowded waves in Bali, me on a beachbreak, westside of Bali, with a 18 sec period swell pumping.
A great swell, I was there. I am proud of these days passed in Bali.
Same swell, Pasquales, tow-in. 35mm Kodak film, Canon AE1 program.
Secret, Italy. In its days, this is one of the most powerful and perfect pointbreaks in the Mediterranean. The surprisingly thing is that this spot has never been surfed before.
in monochrome
The ending point; of a wave, of a boat.
If you want to search for this wave, it doesn't exist anymore. People started to demolish the boat in 2010. This abandoned ship found somewhere on Mauritania's shores was forming a perfect sandbank, giving solid and perfect 10sec barrells for 200m+ intense rides. I scored this ship first with Google earth, then -after 3000kms) with my eyes.
Fisherman and set, that moment changed somehow my life.
On this floater I broke my right leg. I spent 20 minutes trying to reach the shore in complete loneliness. My life somehow changed again. Pic by Mennella Luca
Why indo.
Wave, Man, Lines
Antonio on his hand-made surfboard on Cokes, Maldives.
Monk seal
different perspective, same spot of the pic before.
Giovanni Palattella.
Another great swell, Mainland mexico, 2004 c.a., huge. I was there. We scored whales approx 200 meters far from us. Was the first time of my life i felt what does Haloha Spirit could mean.
Mediterranean. Thousands of years of connections in between the two sides of The Mediterranean.
A shoot quite similar to this one on this spot, published on SurferMag, opened the road to the Australian South Search.
One of the most remote places on Earth.
Railways, waves, lines.